
"Mental Health & Well being clinic Blackburn"


I came to see Taz after experiencing anxiety and depression since childhood and always felt alone, unloved, shy, no confidence, like I was no good and had negative thoughts and behaviours and go from high to low. I am on anti depressants at nearly aged 30 and after 3 amazing sessions, I am going to be weaned off them as I cleared the root cause of my anxiety and no longer have any of the symptons. I dont have the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours and feel I am now the best version of myself. I can thinnk clearer, and my self esteem and confidence has shot up! I have tried other things previously, but feel this was the best treatment for myself and highly recommend it to anyone that is really stuck and may have tried other things like myself. Everyones health is worth it, and i would like to say 'Reach out'. RM Skipton

United Kingdom

Time to let go and move forward. 5* Star Rated Mental Health Service


The posts, demonstraitions & instructions on this blog are intended for informational purpose only. Nothing herein is intended as tretement or prescription for any disease, mental or physical, or as a substitute for regular medical or physiological care.