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Posted on March 22, 2018 at 8:00 PM

Pain Sufferers, LISTEN UP! Learn to listen to what your pain is trying to tell you.

Does this feel familiar???    Like your body is attacking you, betraying you.  You don’t trust your body’s ability to heal; there is no help available, no one understands, you can’t do the things you use to do. You feel stuck and unable to move forward, you feel helpless and powerless. You feel alone with your illness. All the what if’s stop you from enjoying life and you set yourself up for a future of doom and gloom .

From one pain sufferer to another, I know what it feels like to experience debilitating pain that takes over your whole life. You end up feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, and resentful for having to carry around all this pain for so long, perhaps many years, and regardless of trying everything, you just can’t seem to feel better.

You punish, blame and even dislike yourself for not seeing the signs, not paying more attention, and more so not being able to help yourself.

THEN what happens?


YOU CLAIM IT. Your internal dialogue goes like ‘My bad knee, my bad shoulder, back etc. etc. etc. and so on.

You expect the pain, and it surely, shows up!

You believe this is now who you are, and you let it define you.

You may have been told by your health professionals to keep managing it.  To accept it, to take medication and get on with it.

BUT does it have to be this way? May be there is another way…Another way to shut down all those What If’s….

If our bodies are meant to have miraculous healing properties like recovering from after falls, injuries, muscle strains, flu, and food poisoning.  Our bodies are designed to know exactly what to do in order to keep your heart beating, your liver detoxifying, your bones moving, your lungs breathing and your brain thinking.

The reason your body flows the way it does is down to the sub conscious mind. It’s the part of our mind that keeps everything running and its main job is survival.

So what is going on when the body is no longer working as it should? The subconscious mind records everything.  It’s like your own internal computer screen, but even more powerful.

So when you start thinking, feeling, believing and behaving like your pain, that is exactly what you get more of…. Our thoughts fuelled by emotion carry so much energy.

How many of us know what our bodies communicate to us through illness, through pain? How many of us know how to show ourselves compassion instead of criticism or seeing it as a hindrance?  

I have found the techniques used in Energy psychology and EMDR quickly turn off the stress response from the Amygdala part of the brain that is responsible for detecting threat and send  a calming signal to the brain that leave individuals feeling more calm and in a more relaxed state, restoring their body’s natural state that can promote healing and wellbeing.

 Trapped emotions and repressed feelings can be linked to certain parts of your body so it is important we learn about  our symptoms, give them a voice and a listening ear, so we can begin to learn what they are trying to teach us and try to heal our bodies using our mind.

I recommend that anyone experiencing unresolved pain get present with it. Locate where it is, how its making you feel?  If its making you feel tired and exhausted, perhaps think of ways to relax and unwind more.  Or taking time out from the very things that make you tired and exhausted.  Just remember, it’s showing up, because your body is trying to communicate something to you. Learn to listen and, tune in and learn to give your body more care and compassion.

After all, if you don’t take care of your body and mind, where are you going to live?

Take care of you.

Tasneem Dahegamia. www.ugotthis.org

Comments :

By: Russell Smith

I recommend that anyone experiencing unresolved pain get present with it. Locate where it is, how its making you feel? If its making you feel tired and exhausted, perhaps think of ways to relax and unwind more. Or taking time out from the very things that make you tired and exhausted. Just remember, it’s showing up, because your body is trying to communicate something to you. Learn to listen and, tune in and learn to give your body more care and compassion.

  • Apr 3 2018 2:24AM

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Time to let go and move forward. 5* Star Rated Mental Health Service


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